Wanna chat all things manifestation? Learn more

Taking the first step...

welcome to your new life

Something has to change. You KNOW that in order to get to the life you have always wanted, you need to take the first step towards healing what is holding you back, and manifesting that which you desire…


This introductory program is the GATEWAY into your healing and spiritual journey. It will let you dip your toes into the water and test things out before you fully commit to diving into the deep end. πŸŠπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


What's Included?

Lifetime Access

This isnt something you can listen to in a weekend and be done. This program is meant to utilize by listening and immediately IMPLEMENTING each lesson. Come back to the modules when you need a refresh, or when you feel a little stuck

An Exclusive Journal

Would it even be one of my programs without a custom journal?! This journal is going to be your textbook/ workbook throughout the course. With custom prompts and exercises for each section of the course, this journal is where your magic is going to come to life.

How to create a daily practice

Learning all about healing and manifesting does you no good if you dont IMPLEMENT it into your daily life. Before we get into the nuts and bolts of your healing and spiritual journey, I teach you how to start a daily practice that will serve you FOREVER! (I still have my daily practice 4 years later)

How to start Healing

Healing is the most skipped step, and (ironically) the MOST important. Skip this step, and you will be spinning your manifesting wheels and feel like you're going nowhere. (because your unhealed cords are holding you back) Inside of Gateway I give you every tool you need to kickstart your healing journey

How to start Manifesting

There is so much mystery and confusion when it comes to manifesting. Inside of Gateway I break down WHAT manifestation is, and teach you how to use my top two manifestation techniques to manifest ANYTHING into your life NOW.

Self Paced

For the manifestor who works better on her own time πŸ’…πŸ»
$ 97
  • Lifetime access to the course curriculum
  • A custom guided journal/ textbook
  • A $77 coupon upon completion to use on any other program

You ready to begin?

You can feel it inside your bones. You’re ready for the next chapter to begin. For the tides to turn in your favor, and suddenly wake up inside the life you keep dreaming about. I did it. I KNOW you can too.Β