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Hey There Wild Woman

Are You Ready To Join The Club?!

Healing? It doesn’t have to be rocket science. 

Manifesting? It doesn’t have to be some mysteries technique reserved for the *elite* 

And Community? Well, you CAN sit with us. 💁🏼

The only thing you have to lose are your past triggers and energetic cords 😮‍💨You know… the things actually keeping you from having EXACTLY what you want

Membership Options

Let's GO.

First Time Member: 8 week Initial Commitment

Immediate access to:

The Woo Woman’s Club 8 week curriculum.

Digital Download of the custom WWC Journal 

Telegram Community with all of your fellow Woo Women

3x/ month group live calls with me! 


Want To Stay In The Club?

Upon completion of your 8 weeks, you have the opportunity to stick around, and grab a discounted rate to Woo Woman’s Club ALL ACCESS:

 My ENTIRE library of programs for the duration of your WWC membership. (including any courses I launch during your time in the club!) 🤯

Access to the  the All Access Telegram Community 

2x/ month live calls

Exclusive offers, discount codes, and access to the digital version of EVERY journal in my offer suite. 

This is for the Woo Woman who is in maintenance mode. She wants to keep her finger on the pulse, stay immersed in the collective high vibe energy, but doesn’t need to be working through any courses right now. (for less than the cost of ONE 1:1 call with Brooke) you get:

Access to the 2x/month live All Access calls where you can get personalized guidance from Brooke on anything you are navigating right now, and keep yourself in the high vibe energy you worked so hard to attain!

(This option is only available to WWC graduates 🫶🏻)