If you are already a part of the self paced Woo Woman’s Club, this grants you access into the next LIVE round of Woo Woman’s Club!
Inside the Live Round you will be granted entry into the exclusive telegram community for that respective round, as well as EIGHT weekly calls where you will receive personalized support from Brooke. The support inside of each live round, as well as the friendships that are formed is truly unmatched. Breakthroughs that could take months or years on your own happen in a matter of DAYS inside of the club. How? Well, there truly is strength in numbers. Women across history have thrived inside of community with one another, and this is no different. When you enter a space full of like minded women, who are all striving to become the most authentic version of themselves while effortlessly attracting in the things that they desire most? Well, magic happens.
And together? WE RISE.
Remember that spots are LIMITED. First come first serve.