Your Self-Led Journey from Heartbreak to Happily Ever After 🥰

Introducing: Soulmate Roadmap 📍

I get it. The word “soulmate” makes you throw up a little in your mouth .🤢 Its overused, over glamorized, and you find yourself wondering if it’s a fantasy reserved for the disney movies we grew up watching and thinking were real life? “Relationships are hard” they say. “Fairytales don’t exist” 😬 But what if I told you that soulmates are real? And that while life can be hard sometimes, your relationship doesn’t have to be? 🥹 What if I told you that the MAGIC you have been seeking is in the WORK you have been avoiding? 

After I left my abusive relationship of 3.5 years, I KNEW something had to change. I could not and would not endure ANOTHER relationship like that ever again. I decided to give in to the idea of a healing journey, and see if I could regain some of the self worth that I had lost. Slowly I felt the color returning to my face, and my me-ness started to wake back up. I fell in love with my entire life. I remembered who the fuck I was. 

It was during this time that I found and perfected my Triple Alignment Manifesting Technique, which is what I used to manifest my husband, my career, my podcast, and YOU. I used it to find YOU. To attract the women into my world who I KNOW can travel the path faster than I did, and manifest the SHIT out of their dream partner. 

The magic you are seeking is in the work, the woo, and the aligned action.

Tired of being single?

This is where heartbreak ends and your love story begins 🥰

This self-led curriculum leads you through healing, raising your vibration, and learning to love yourself fiercely. Get clear on what you want in a partner and manifest your soulmate with certainty. This roadmap? It’s my personal journey—broken-hearted to blissfully married—laid out just for you.

Finding your soulmate starts with YOU. It starts with an internal transformation so great, that your external world has no option other than to shape shift into the reality you have been dreaming of. On the road to your soulmate, you will become the MOST authentic version of yourself, and as a result you will be a MAGNET 🧲 to all of  your other dreams as well.

Inside of Soulmate Roadmap we put my three pillars of transformation and manifestation to work in order to help you transform into the woman you KNOW you can be. Then, I teach you step by step how to attract your soulmate towards you while you are busy living your dream life 💅

Your confidence
0 x

The step by step guide that I used to manifest my soulmate

no gatekeeping. no more guessing. you get it ALL for only
$ 222
  • Lifetime access to the only information you need to find yourself, and attract your soulmate right to your front door.
The Program

So how do we get there?

Phase One: Fix Up The Car

Think about your healing journey like doing maintenance on a car. The healing journey is never over, just like you always have to change your oil, and rotate your tires to keep your car running safely on the road. The thing though, is if you have been ignoring your healing for a long time, you may be dealing with a ground up restoration situation. The first phase of soulmate roadmap Teaches you how to heal the sh*t that is blocking you from getting to where you want to go, and how to release the energetic cords that prevent you from getting anywhere.

Phase Two: Choose Your Destination

This is where we get laser focused on what your goals are. What you want your life to look like, and where exactly you are going. So many people are aimlessly manifesting with absolutely no direction, and I can tell you what: it's really hard to get somewhere if you don't know where you are going 💁🏼‍♀️ (ie: You know you want to manifest the soulmate in your life, but what exactly does that look like for you? WHO are you manifesting? What characteristic traits do they have?) Phase two is all about knowing EXACTLY who you are looking for 😎

Phase Three: Get On The Road

Gone are the days of asking for some thing and expecting it to just show up in our driveway. Inside of soulmate roadmap, I teach you how to manifest intentionally, and use your vibration to get you to where you want to go faster. Manifestation takes movement, and phase 3 is where everything you have learned comes together to get you to your destination If you find yourself doing manifestation activities that you've seen on TikTok, to no avail. This is where I bring clarity, and lovingly call you out and show you how to *actually* manifest successfully.

Phase Four: Enjoy The Ride

While goal setting is good, and striving towards your dreams, is what gets you there, if you aren't enjoying the journey, I have a little newsflash for you: you are going to miss out on your entire life. Because once you manifest your soulmate, your eyes will be immediately fixated on the next goal. A ring. A wedding. A house full of babies. You get the idea. The vibration in which you manifest all of your dreams, is the NOW. when you can master living in the now, while also taking steps towards your goals, you will see your entire life transform THIS IS THE STORY YOU WILL TELL. Freakin ✨ ENJOY IT✨


What's Included?

Lifetime Access

This self led curriculum isn't something you can listen to in a weekend and be done. This program is built to heal and grow WITH you. I am getting in the car and taking this journey right alongside you until you reach that destination. No Soulmates left behind! 🫶🏻

Journal Prompts and Meditations

This wouldn't be a "Love Her Wild" program without meditation and journaling! Along with the curriculum, I give you the EXACT prompts and exclusive meditations that will both lead you through your healing, but also expedite your manifestation process and help magnetize your person right to you.

Bonus Activations

Sometimes we just need a little peptalk. Someone to tell us that we will not in fact be alone forever. Someone to remind us just how worthy we are the activations inside of soulmate roadmap are just that. The pep talk you need, anytime anyplace without having to text your bestie at 2am 🫶🏻✨

Exclusive Discounts

Sometimes we just need a little 1:1 support. During your time inside of Soulmate Roadmap, you gain access to exclusive discounts on any 1:1 calls with me that you may need throughout this journey! Whether there is a pesky block you cant locate on your own, or you want confirmation that you are on the right path, I've got you 🤍

This could be you in a few short weeks👀

Want to know what I did? Every single step I took to heal and manifest my husband?

its ALL right here.


The first step to manifesting your soulmate, is healing past your old wounds and remembering who you are. This was the most transformational step for me


You get exclusive access to some of my most potent guided meditations, including the daily morning meditation I did EVERY single day (and still do)


I teach you specific techniques to help you manifest both self confidence, and the partner of your dreams.

Self Confidence

One of the hardest parts for most people, is believing that you can have it. Knowing that you are worthy of soulmate love. I show you how.

Audio Lessons

This program has more than 25 modules, each with audio lessons that you can listen to anywhere, anytime, over and over again.

Bonus Material

Every module contains supplemental material that helps you dive deeper in areas where you need a little extra support.

Daily Journal Prompts

Not only do you get a digital download of my "love her wild" journal, but I include SPECIFIC prompts to aid you in your healing, AND help you manifest with ease.


There is an entire section of "activations" for you to listen to whenever you need a little pep talk, or someone to remind you JUST how worthy you are.

Cord Cutting

Cutting energetic cords is one of the MOST important steps in manifesting your soulmate. I take you step by step through it, and show you how.

After you join Soulmate Roadmap, you'll be texting me like:

You ready to dive in?

I traveled the road. I took notes. And now I’m handing them over to you. No gatekeeping.