Wanna chat all things manifestation? Learn more

Want to know what I did? Every single step I took to heal and manifest my husband?

its ALL right here.


The first step to manifesting your soulmate, is healing past your old wounds and remembering who you are. This was the most transformational step for me


You get exclusive access to some of my most potent guided meditations, including the daily morning meditation I did EVERY single day (and still do)


I teach you specific techniques to help you manifest both self confidence, and the partner of your dreams.

Self Confidence

One of the hardest parts for most people, is believing that you can have it. Knowing that you are worthy of soulmate love. I show you how.

Audio Lessons

This program has more than 25 modules, each with audio lessons that you can listen to anywhere, anytime, over and over again.

Bonus Material

Every module contains supplemental material that helps you dive deeper in areas where you need a little extra support.

Daily Journal Prompts

Not only do you get a digital download of my "love her wild" journal, but I include SPECIFIC prompts to aid you in your healing, AND help you manifest with ease.


There is an entire section of "activations" for you to listen to whenever you need a little pep talk, or someone to remind you JUST how worthy you are.

Cord Cutting

Cutting energetic cords is one of the MOST important steps in manifesting your soulmate. I take you step by step through it, and show you how.

You ready to dive in?

I traveled the road. I took notes. And now I’m handing them over to you. No gatekeeping.

Get there faster

Stop and ask for directions

As women, we know that stopping and asking for directions ALWAYS gets us there faster. I created this program for you, because I TRAVELED this road. I know all the detours to avoid, shortcuts to take, and where the best sight seeing is along the way. If I can do it, SO CAN YOU. 

Lessons that take you step by step
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5 Steps to Manifest Your Dreams